Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 4

By day 4, we had both had enough of walking and being freezing. We thought we might try to leave a day earlier. Went to the airport and we came across madness. All of the air traffic controllers in Spain went on strike around 5 PM Friday. From Friday evening until Saturday night, there were no flights coming into Madrid nor leaving Madrid.

We hopped on a hotel shuttle van to a local hotel to gain some internet access so we could read what was going on in English. The hotel was pretty crazy and people kept pouring in. We were there for a long time trying to figure out things. After we realized we couldn't do anything, we needed to get a hotel for the night. We took the subway back to downtown. Found a hotel in the Plaza Mayor area. We had some dinner next to the hotel and did some last miunte shopping.

My receipt from dinner.

Money exchange at the airport.

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